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The Parent & Teen Toolbox

Dec 21, 2021

Presents need wrapped ( in my case some haven’t arrived yet!) - Relatives are coming home ( well, at least you hope they are ) - Turkeys need stuffed - AND Covid is still here.
Nerves are understandably frayed.


No wonder we are at the end of our tether and taking our anxieties and stresses out on those closest to...

Dec 14, 2021

10 Pointers to Create a Happier Home

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” - And yet I am seeing more young people than ever looking for for support.

Many kids are finishing school for the holidays, relieved that there is some sort of respite from the chaos in their minds ( and lives ).
On the flip side,...

Dec 7, 2021

Self Harm amongst young children has doubled in the last 6 years.


This makes for unsettling reading for any parent.


For many, this topic can be terribly scary as they themselves have little first hand experience of self-harm; resulting in many parents approaching the topic of self-harm from a place of fear.


When a...

Nov 30, 2021

Face-to-face bullying is on the decrease which is great news … BUT cyberbullying is rife. The worse thing is that it is usually anonymous - which is doubly unsettling.


The bullying statistics are alarming.


A while back Guardian recently reported that more than half of children aged 11 to 16 have been bullied about...

Nov 23, 2021

The world has changed. We are bringing up our children in a very different environment from that of our own childhood.


As a result, many parents are worried as to whether the advice and support that they are offering their child is in fact correct. How can they be sure they are saying the right things?


In this...