Feb 23, 2021
Lockdown is really taking its toll on everyone.
Sometimes it’s very tempting to crawl back under the covers and have another duvet day. But Katy Hill is here to encourage you to “Say Yes to Your Life.”
Katy is best known historically for her many achievements in the public eye - notably being a “Blue Peter...
Feb 16, 2021
EP 49 - Heather Rutherford - Perfectionism : Healthy Standards -v- Unrealistic Expectations
Are you struggling with your teenagers and your beating yourself up about it?
“I’ve been parenting for years … Surely I should have got my
parenting under control by now?”
Parenting doesn’t work like that - and...
Feb 9, 2021
Many parents are concerned about their child’s escalating emotions - notably anger.
However, this does not always mean that their child is ‘angry’.
It’s like treading on eggshells the whole time - and often it feels like it’s the child who holds the balance of power.
In this episode, we discuss how...
Feb 2, 2021
Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you know that your child is struggling? But the thing is, often they don’t want to talk to you about it OR they cannot verbalize what’s going on in their head - because to be honest, they have no idea how to make sense of it themselves.
Well, Kay Reeve not only has an...