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The Parent & Teen Toolbox

Mar 30, 2021

When you are a struggling and worn out parent, you are often thrown the well-meaning advice.

“You can’t pour from an empty cup.”

“You’re a Mum and you’re doing a great job. You need some me-time.”

But when you are a lone parent - there is no opportunity for me-time; it’s just not an option. The cavalry...

Mar 23, 2021

It was only in this episode that I realized that even though I thought I had got to grips with Imposter Syndrome - that it was in fact still holding me back under the guise of procrastination! 


Paul explains how Imposter Syndrome can manifest in a number of different ways - and as a result, it keeps us within our...

Mar 16, 2021

As parents, we tend to react to our child’s behavior. Sometimes an overreaction is nothing to do with the child in front of us - but more about what’s going on deep within us.

In this episode, Nicola and I discuss the importance of standing back and giving ourselves some space.

We talk about understanding what is...

Mar 9, 2021

For any parent - having a child with mental health issues can be a struggle. If you have not experienced mental health challenges yourself - then you just cannot fully relate to what is going on.


I know that sometimes I find this difficult. That’s not to say that you cannot try to understand and help.

In this...

Mar 2, 2021

Are you struggling? Parenting can be so hard, right?

Our lives are so stressful and chaotic. There’s so much to juggle.
Maybe the only “fun” that you seem to get is the chilled glass of sauvignon at the end of the day? Or are you a gin aficionado?

The thing is booze is not the “answer to all your problems”....