Jun 29, 2021
As Mums, we very often feel that we have given all that we have to offer to parent our children - and to an extent, we lose our confidence and (dare I say it ) our own identity.
In this episode, I am chatting to Dan Reader - who knows only too well the inner turmoil that us mums are facing and how hard it is to break...
Jun 22, 2021
A quote I love : “To grow yourself - You must know yourself”
Nowadays, there’s a lot of talk about personal development and understanding what makes us tick. But if I am brutally honest - sometimes this process can make us feel a bit uncomfortable. We don’t always like what we start to uncover … BUT...
Jun 15, 2021
Many of my 1-2-1 young clients are unhappy because they feel that their future is not clear. For teenagers, this is a big deal. They are trying to work out where they fit in and where they are heading. For those who do not have a clear-cut view of their future, this uncertainty can be very destabilizing.
For many...
Jun 8, 2021
I read in the papers this weekend that experts were saying
“The challenges presented by the pandemic are so complex and
wide-ranging, they cannot be solved by health and social care
professionals alone,” he said.
There is only so much doctors, nurses, psychologists, therapists
and other healthcare...
Jun 1, 2021
When we talk about creating new habits, many of us think about setting unrealistic goals (or new year resolutions) which, invariably result in failure.
We set such high expectations and then beat ourselves up when we
don’t manage to follow through.
But in this episode - Sandra helps us recognize that Habits are