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The Parent & Teen Toolbox

Sep 28, 2021

September is a time of year where we usually feel energised and motivated into kickstarting our lives after the summer. However, for many of us at the moment, this new found enthusiasm is being rather elusive.


Are you feeling the same?


This week I was going to pack it all in and retire!


In this episode, I talk...

Sep 21, 2021

When we are in the muck of parenting it can be very easy to lose ourselves and to lose sight of what’s really important.


We can, more often than not - get lost in old programming and stories that can shadow the way we parent.
Sivanne has a framework that helps us gain perspective and avoid the traps that so often...

Sep 14, 2021

World Suicide Prevention Day was 10th September 2021, so this episode is very timely.


The suicide statistics are growing at an alarming rate. Worldwide, every 40 seconds another person dies by suicide.


It is probably any parent’s worst nightmare, when they suspect or learn, that their child is contemplating...

Sep 7, 2021

Following the upheaval from the past academic year, there are many young people who are trying to come to terms with changed plans.


Some changes have been thrust upon them, but also following a year of ‘isolation’ many have had the time to readjust, so their changes are self-imposed.


Perhaps they are not going...